Magenta Divine

Tutor: Alex Law

Photo: Magenta Divine chair showing side pockets

Magenta Divine showing side pockets

This chair was named after the late Magenta Devine, a wonderful TV presenter who left this earth on 5 March 2019.

Magenta Divine was created from a frame I bought ready-stripped. She was covered in a magenta wool fabric over a rubberised hair base, The seat was sprung with serpentine springs (using a ‘fishmouth’ system which I made). The buttons help to form a fluted effect in the inside back of the chair. The chair was named after the uber-cool TV presenter Magenta Devine, and because the fabric was such a wonderful bright magenta colour.

Photo: Magenta Divine chair showing front buttoning

Magenta Divine showing inside back buttoning

Each year two Liverymen from the Worshipful Company of Upholders come and judge student work at London Metropolitan University. Prizes are awarded for each class. I was very thrilled to be awarded Second Prize in the Advanced Upholstery class for this chair.

Photo: Master of the Worshipful Company of Upholders, Nic Myer, and Bettina Langlois, prize winner

Worshipful Company of Upholders Master Nick Meyer awards me my prize

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